Matthew Timmons-Brown, aka The Raspberry Pi Guy, has done an excellent video comparison between the Raspberry Pi and the Beaglebone Black.
Matthew Timmons-Brown, aka The Raspberry Pi Guy, has done an excellent video comparison between the Raspberry Pi and the Beaglebone Black.
Nice video. My only comment was he mentioned the network ports on the Pi and the Beaglebone are equivalent, I don’t know for sure but my guess is they are not, the network port on the Pi isn’t very great performance as its essentially a USB network adapter, first the beaglebone is a proper adapter this could make a big difference when doing fileserver/router applications.
Still a great video though, I learnt a lot about the Beaglebone I didn’t know before 🙂
Is it a Pi beater though?
I think it is hardware wise, but then the Pi isn’t just a piece of hardware. After watching the video I’m seriously considering getting one though.
Wow! Thanks for the mention Mike!
The Raspberry Pi Guy