Following the Milton Keynes Raspberry Jam, and the fair amount of success running the PiPodCorder with a working temperature sensor and LCD read-out, I’ve decided to put the code onto GitHub in the hope that somewhere someone will find them useful!
Groups of scripts in the project include:
- access_point – turn the Raspberry Pi into a wifi access point (I’m using this to tether a mobile phone to it so I can access the Pi from a VNC session running on the phone. But, the same principle applies for running it as a wifi router)
- bluetooth – connect devices over bluetooth to the Pi (I’m using this primarily to connect a Rii Bluetooth Keyboard/Trackpad)
- gpio – various scripts and modules to use the GPIO pins (Other scripts in there include: LCD control for a 16×2 display, LED on/off simple script, read from a TMP102 temperature sensor, read from an SR04 Ultrasonic distance sensor) multimedia – scripts to activate and use a webcam, including motion-detection
- operating_system – update and upgrade your Pi with ease
- software – various installation scripts for software packages and projects that run on the Pi
- wifi – scripts to help you get your Pi running on a wifi network (for instance to run it ‘headless’)
To view the repository and see the code, please visit recantha/redwing-pi · GitHub.
Please note, I am running the Occidentalis RPi operating system distro from Adafruit, so that’s the best route if you want the scripts to work with more certainty.