Raspberry Pi has just announced the release of the new TV HAT. This Zero-sized board will enable you to receive a DVB (digital) television signal on your Pi and then view it or stream it to other devices on your network. It’s a nicely put-together board and is also the first to be in the new form factor, which re-defines the size and shape of HATs. There seems to be some confusion over whether it’s called a uHAT (micro-HAT) or just a HAT, though! You’ll need at least a Pi 2 to view programmes on the Pi (as it’s quite processor intensive) but a Zero will do for streaming.
The board retails for £20 and you’ll need an antenna and co-axial cable to connect it up.
You can buy the board over at The Pi Hut or from ModMyPi. There’s a great tutorial over at The Pi Hut on how to use the board and another from ModMyPi here.
Now if there were only something worth watching. I’m old enough to remember the great documentaries made when David Attenborough was controller for BBC2: “Ascent of Man”, “Civilisation”, “America”, then later his own documentaries, particularly “Life on Earth”. Everything broadcast now has a political bent – it’s so bad now that I limit my viewing to non-broadcast and save the licence fee.