Cotswold Raspberry Jam is happening again on Saturday 27 January from 1-4pm at the University of Gloucestershire in Cheltenham. This month, their workshops include special sessions on updating and backing-up your Raspberry Pi, so you can find out how to make sure you have the latest versions of Pi software. Keeping your software up-to-date not only fixes bugs and keeps things secure, but can also be a prerequisite to following online tutorials. They’ll also show you how to back up your files, including those all-important Minecraft worlds and Python projects, onto a USB memory stick.
Other activities include Minecraft coding, making your own reaction timer with LEDs and buttons and Micro Pi Noon balloon-popping robots. Cotswold Jam also has special prizes for those who bring along their own projects to show off – and it’s a great place to get help with half-finished projects.
Spread across a whole university building with five rooms, free parking, and only 10 minutes’ walk from the railway station, this is a large, family-friendly event, so bring along mum, dad, brothers, sisters, vaguely embarrassed boyfriends and that goth you met in the library!
Book your free tickets on Eventbrite. You can visit the Jam website here.