On 4th-5th March, Raspberry Pi will be hosting a 5th birthday celebration for both itself and Code Club at Cambridge Junction. If you haven’t got your tickets yet, it might be a good idea to do so as apparently they’re selling quickly! Get tickets here.
They have just announced the action-packed schedule on the Raspberry Pi blog. You can download a PDF of the full schedule here. Click the boxes on the schedule to book tickets to workshops! Does not work in Firefox!
Having co-organised this event in previous years, I can tell you: putting a schedule like this together takes a lot of planning, thought and much tearing-out-of-hair! I particularly like the introduction of lanyards (which will be distributed on a case-by-case basis, Agents of SHIELD-fans) this year!
Myself and Tim Richardson will be in attendance on both days. We’ll be running Pi Wars drop-in sessions on the Marketplace stage, running a table in the show-and-tell area when we’re not there and generally being around and about! We’re excited to be visiting the venue next week and getting the layout in our heads!