I wanted, as part of a new project, to be able to stream live video from my Pi to the internet.
I followed some tutorials. First of all, I wanted to get my Webcam (a little XBox Live Cam) working. So, I followed Calin Crisan’s PiEye post on his blog. An English translation via Google can also be viewed.
Secondly, I followed Rhys Streefland’s tutorial on creating a small, fast web server using nGinx. I had to follow an instruction in the comments of that blog post in order to get my set-up working correctly.
Next, I followed my own tutorial on setting up a DNSDynamic.org domain name so that it was easily accessible from the outside world.
The results can be seen by visiting http://recantha.dnsdynamic.com. The website won’t always be up as I’m continuing to experiment.
If the webcam is up, hopefully the image will be displayed below and you’ll get a lovely live stream of my dog, Max, as he luxuriates on his chair!
I’m also going to display the live picture on my blog, just for the hell of it.