On the 6th of September, we held a Raspberry Jam in Cambridge, UK. During that day, a news crew from CNBC attended and conducted a lot of interviews and shot footage of the activities taking place. On the previous day, they visited Raspberry Pi headquarters (affectionately known as Pi Towers), filmed the work going on there and interviewed Eben Upton. All that footage was cut together and has now been broadcast. You can see the broadcast below or visit CNBC.
They also put together a supplementary video with additional footage of the Jam and you can see that here or on CNBC:
So proud of my daughter for making the edit on one of these videos, thanks for posting on your blog.
Horray! No shots of me but great to see a few seconds of a BerryClip LED board 🙂
Big thank you Mike for organizing Rasp PI Jams. You are doing great job. Looking forward to Robot wars!