Andy Warburton has taken his initial concept of a Raspberry Pi-powered nightlight and re-invented it using an ESP8266 board. The ESP8266 (which you can find on, for example, the Wemos D1 mini) is a marvellous chip which is Arduino IDE-compatible…
Tag: esp8266
Make your wedding sparkle with these ESP8266 LED lamps controlled by a Raspberry Pi Zero
Bright LED arrow/pointer prototyped on a Raspberry Pi and run with a Wemos ESP8266 board
Alex Eames, who was covered in a community profile yesterday, has used his RasPiO Inspiring system of bright LEDs in geometric shapes to create an illuminated pointing sign. He’s blogged about the mini-project, which involved some foam board, some…
New Kickstarter encourages you to sculpt with RGB LEDs and a Raspberry Pi, Arduino, DigiSpark and Wemos
Wirelessly control an ESP8266 with MQTT messages from a Raspberry Pi
Reading sensors remotely using an ESP8266 board and a Raspberry Pi
Alex Eames took a (cheap as chips) Wemos D1 mini (which has an onboard ESP8266 wifi chip), connected it up to an analog temperature sensor and then flashed a script to the board that would send the sensor readings to…