Sam VanHook has created this lovely Google Calendar-aware clock out of some birch plywood and then added diffused Neopixels. These Neopixels are lit up by a Raspberry Pi Zero W when Sam has appointments in his Google Calendar. He’s used…
Tag: clock
Clock in and clock out with this facial recognition system running on a Raspberry Pi
Make this digital clock and inside/outside temperature monitor with a Raspberry Pi Zero W
Make an internet clock with RasPiO Inspiring and a Raspberry Pi Zero W
Harry Potter-inspired map-clock using a Raspberry Pi and Arduino
3D printed smart alarm clock based around a Raspberry Pi Zero
Here’s a nice 3D printable project for you. fgebhart has used a Raspberry Pi Zero, some prototyping board, an alphanumeric display, an amplifier and a 3D-printed enclosure to build a smart alarm clock. It has the following features: text to…