Using the DHT11 humidity/temperature sensor with the Raspberry Pi

The DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor is an inexpensive sensor. It has a +/- 2 degree variance, so it’s not suitable for high-precision use-cases (for that you need the DHT22). Over at Circuit Basics, they’ve written a tutorial which will get you started with the sensor. They’ve included code for both C and Python (using an Adafruit library) and also highlighted how to display it to a small LCD screen (as pictured). Read how to do it here.

Getting started with Picamera on the Raspberry Pi

Ben Nuttall has just published a new ‘Learn’ resource on the Raspberry Pi website. This new resource takes you through using the Picamera Python library to do the following:

  • How to connect the camera module to the Raspberry Pi
  • How to use Python to control the camera module
  • How to use start_preview() and stop_preview() to control the camera preview
  • How to take still pictures with capture()
  • How to record video with start_recording() and stop_recording()
  • How to play back video with omxplayer
  • How to alter the brightness and contrast
  • How to apply image effects and exposure modes

This is a great resource suitable for home use and for event workshops.

Take a look here.

PiBorg motor controller board for the Raspberry Pi Zero – Campaign nearing end


Hi everyone. This is just a quick reminder about Pi Borg’s campaign to raise funds to develop ZeroBorg, which is a motor controller board suitable for use with the Raspberry Pi Zero. I previously covered it here and, with the campaign entering it’s final hours, I thought I’d bring it to your attention again just in case you wanted to pledge. The campaign is already successful so you can pledge with confidence. Take a look at the campaign here.

Twickenham Coding Evening – 19th May


Cat Lamin is organising another Coding Evening in Twickenham at Stokes and Moncreiff on Richmond Road on 19th May. The event, which runs from 6.30-9.30pm, is a great opportunity for teachers and hobbyists/experts to get together and share knowledge, best-practice and skills with each other. It’s all about supporting the teaching of coding as part of the new Computing Curriculum. So, if you’re in the area on the 19th, drop in! Please book your (free) tickets at Eventbrite in advance if you can.

New issue of The MagPi for Raspberry Pi owners is out now!

With its usual brand of projects-based articles, news, views and reviews, issue 44 of The MagPi is out now. You can buy it from reputable retailers or you can download it for free from their website. This month:

  • Power up your life with Raspberry Pi
    Five fun projects to help you improve and automate your world
  • Bluetooth audio guide
    Turn your Pi 3 into a music streamer
  • Retro vision with Pi Zero
    Use an old TV with your new Pi Zero
  • What is pressure?
    Find out by doing science with the Sense HAT  
  • And much, much more!

Trouble finding a Raspberry Pi Zero? Try this website out

Arthur Alves appears to have got frustrated with checking multiple different sites for stocks of the Pi Zero, so he built a stock tracker website. The system checks and displays whether stock is available at CPC, Pimoroni, The Pi Hut, Adafruit and Element 14. Pretty nifty, and highly useful! Visit the site here.

The Pi Zero remains stubbornly difficult to get hold of. Liz Upton previously posted on the Raspberry Pi Forum about the stock release schedule (although I’m not sure if they’ve managed to stick to that, what with the success of the Raspberry Pi 3) and Eben has gone on record as saying that Raspberry Pi Trading has ordered up to 150k Zeros. When these will be delivered is open to speculation, of course. 🙂