Potton Pi & Pints – 20th August – Raspberry Jam in a pub! – Bedfordshire #rjam

Potton Pi & Pints

The next Potton Pi & Pints will take place on 20th August at The Rising Sun pub in Potton, Bedfordshire.

This is an informal Raspberry Jam held upstairs at the pub, which is near the Cambridgeshire border. We bring along some Raspberry Pi workstations and everyone is encouraged to bring projects, questions and problems with them to share. It’s a great opportunity to get started with the Pi, to find out what it’s all about, and to get together with like-minded people.

This is a family-friendly event and we always get a wide spread of ages and experience.

Free tickets are available from Eventbrite.

Review of the RoboHAT for the Raspberry Pi by MagPi magazine

The MagPi has published its review of the 4tronix RoboHAT online. The amazingly positive review of this great HAT previously appeared in the print version and you can read it hereI reviewed the RoboHAT a couple of months ago and you can read that review here.

If you’d like to get hold of a RoboHAT, you can get it for approx £20 from the 4tronix website.

Build a spectrum analyzer with two Pimoroni pHATs and a Raspberry Pi Zero

Sandy Macdonald, one of the Pimoroni crew, has written an excellent tutorial in which he takes a pHAT DAC audio board, a Scroll pHAT and a Raspberry Pi Zero, solders them together and creates a visual spectrum analyzer. Python is used to analyze the audio being played via the DAC and then pump the readings out to the Scroll pHAT. Read how he did it here.

You can get hold of the pHAT DAC from Pimoroni or The Pi Hut, and of course you can also get the Scroll pHAT from the same places: Pimoroni, The Pi Hut.

Raspberry Pi controlled coffee roaster from a popcorn popper

Mark Sanders took a popcorn popping machine and converted it for use as a coffee bean roaster. However, he needed to slow the roasting cycle down a bit for the optimum taste sensation. So, he hooked up a Raspberry Pi to control the power and, voila, mucho tasty java. The MagPi has covered it here and you can read Mark’s own account with details of the build here. Watch a video of the roaster in action below:

Electronics for Kids – book review


Wiley sent me this book as well as Adventures in Coding. I’m free to give an honest opinion.


Electronics for Kids is a rather nice full-colour publication by Cathleen Shamieh. It seeks to give kids (or beginner adults) an introduction to electronics by helping you to build simple electronic projects.


The first project in the book is a shopping expedition to purchase the parts you’ll need to do the rest of the projects in the book. It is very comprehensive and, although US-focused, should give you enough to go on should you be in any other country.

The second project (the first real one) is to create an LED flashlight. The chapter is very well-written with plenty of photographs to show you how to construct the circuit and, later, to add a simple switch to control the LED. The chapter also introduces you to the idea of current and voltage and also uses ‘proper’ electrical diagrams (schematics). It’s a lot to cover in the first proper chapter, but it’s well done.

The next chapter introduces solderless breadboards. It explains how they work, why you should use one to prototype circuits and then uses one to create several simple circuits. As with the rest of the book, it’s about building up your knowledge one step at a time.

Projects 4 through 7 are all about controlling light. You build a two-way traffic light, a light timer, a stage lights dimmer and a smart nightlight that uses a sensor to determine when it should be lit. All the way through, photographs are used to show you how to construct the necessary circuits. Capacitors are explained and used as are transistors. Schematics are given for all the circuits and full explanations bulk out the rest of the chapter. At this point, the language used is quite complex and I’m not altogether sure it’s suitable for ‘kids’. Older teenagers, perhaps, but certainly younger children will need the aid of an adult just to understand what they are reading. I’d be concerned about just giving a child this book and letting them get on with it – they will need guidance!

Projects 8 through 11 use an integrated circuit, namely the 555 timer, to do complicated things more simply than if you had to build the circuits without the IC. You build a blinking LED circuit and use a potentiometer to vary the blink rate. You also build a light-sensing alarm and create light-controlled sound effects. The final project uses several buttons and the same 555 timer IC to create a one-octave keyboard.

The final part of the book (projects 12 through 14) are more advanced projects. You use light chaser circuits to create a Roulette Wheel; you create a three-way traffic light system and finally move on to creating a basic radio with an audio amplifier. An index rounds out the book.


I was really impressed by the content of Electronics for Kids. I do wish that the ‘for Dummies’ tagline hadn’t been added, actually. First of all, I don’t think kids will necessarily ‘get’ the joke; secondly, this book is very much not for dummies!

Kids will need all their powers of intelligence and concentration to cope with the advanced nature of some of the concepts, and some adult supervision will be needed, particularly for younger kids.

Having said that, electronics is not easy, and it’s hard to imagine how else it could be done with the assumption of no prior knowledge.

The chapters unfold at an appropriate pace and the full-colour photographs really help to bring everything alive. In other For Dummies books, it has been a strictly black-and-white affair.

The full-colour is really helpful. Not only does it bring the concepts to life, but it is also vital to help the reader see the difference between wire colours.

The projects chosen are interesting and the learning curve is sensible, given the subject matter.

Overall, a very good book and one I would quite happily recommend for those who are electronics beginners.

You can get hold of Electronics for Kids from Wiley and Amazon.