Review of the Papirus Zero for the Raspberry Pi from Pi Supply

Photo credit: Alex Eames

Alex Eames, over at RasPi.TV has had a chance to play with the Papirus Zero from Pi Supply. It is a small e-ink display with two sizes of screen and very low power consumption. He gives a broadly positive review, going through the mechanics of the board and covering the example scripts provided through GitHub (not all of which work). Once again, it’s a very comprehensive look at a product, so kudos to Alex for doing a good job. Read the review here.

Send humidity & temperature sensor readings to Initial State from a Raspberry Pi

Rich Plakas has written a great tutorial on using the simple DHT22 temperature/humidity sensor with the Raspberry Pi in which he sends the readings to online IoT dashboard provider Initial State. He borrows a lot from other code (which he acknowledges) but the results are excellent and the sensor is relatively cheap (that’s just an Adafruit one; cheaper alternatives are available). Take a look at the tutorial here.

Boot your Raspberry Pi from a USB drive (beta)

Photo from Average Man

Gordon Hollingworth has just announced, over on the Raspberry Pi blog, that the Raspberry Pi 3 can be booted from USB mass storage devices. Information on how to do it, and which devices have been found (so far) to be compatible can be found on this page. Further boot modes, such as over Ethernet, will be explored in future blog posts.