10% off sale at The Pi Hut this weekend – get Raspberry Pi goodies!

Just noticed this over at The Pi Hut. They’ve got a 10%-off-everything sale going on this bank holiday weekend. That means you can, for example, get a CamJam EduKit for the amazing price of £4.50 and one of those fancy new red speakers for £10.80! Visit The Pi Hut here. Also, if you wanted any maker-y bits and pieces, especially stuff from Adafruit, the sister site Makersify has got the same sale on!

Speaker from the PiHut for the Raspberry Pi over at RasPi.TV

Alex Eames got hold of a new speaker from The Pi Hut and has done a review video over on his site, RasPi.TV. Read and watch the video here.

My review of the speaker will appear on my blog this weekend. I just haven’t had time to get around to it! I think I’ll also use Big Buck Bunny (as Alex says, it’s free and open source) and I think I’ll try it coming out of the B+ audio jack, just to be different! 🙂

You can get hold of one of these excellent speakers from The Pi Hut’s shop. They only cost £12 and, I believe, are the best solution for playing sounds on the Pi at the moment.

French-language site for Raspberry Pi and Arduino

As you know, I normally only cover English news and projects on the blog. This isn’t due to any xenophobic tendencies, I’m just not very good at other languages. However, a site has just come to my attention that might be interesting for any of you French speakers out there. It’s called GeekOfYou and can be found here. One of their articles is about reading a temperature sensor via an MCP3008 ADC and gives you pointers on where to find the code to make it work. You can read that article here. I think it’ll definitely be worth keeping an eye on the site if you’re able to read it 🙂

Multi-Datacenter Cassandra on 32 Raspberry Pi’s

Brandon Van Ryswyk and Daniel Chin have just finished building a 32-node DataStax Enterprise cluster running on Raspberry Pis. It’s being used to demonstrate the fault-tolerant nature of Cassandra by letting visitors to their lobby take down a ‘data centre’ with a touch of a big red button. Cassandra is a database platform used in a lot of ‘big data’ applications. You can read a lot more detail about the project on their website.