Facial recognition with OpenCV and the camera module on the #RaspberryPi

Facial recognition: OpenCV on the camera board | Raspberry Pi

Pierre Raufast’s work with OpenCV has been featured over on the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s blog. He has used the open-source real-time image processing library to interface to the camera board, something which was previously seen as unlikely. His seven-part tutorial is available here and you can read the Foundation blog post here. A video of it working is below:

Record web server attacks with Glastopf Pi for the #RaspberryPi

InfoSec Institute Resources – Glastopf Pi: A Simple Yet Cool Web Honeypot for your Raspberry Pi

Security researcher Jay Turla has been working on getting Glastopf working on his Raspberry Pi. Glastopf is…

…a simple and minimalistic web server written in Python that records information of web-based application attacks like Structured Query Language Injection (SQLI), Remote Code Execution (RCE), Local File Inclusion (LFI), Remote File Inclusion (RFI), and many more, because it emulates web application vulnerabilities tricking attackers or scanners that it is a vulnerable web server.

Read about it and see the tutorial here