Novelty radio becomes working computer with a #RaspberryPi

“Strider19” had an old novelty radio shaped like a computer. He dug out a ruler, measured it and worked out that he could fit a Raspberry Pi into the case. He grabbed a small composite monitor off Amazon to use as a screen and, having satisfactorily butchered the display adapter board, came up with what you can see in the picture above. Read how he did it here.

New products for the #RaspberryPi B+ starting to appear

Apart from the previously mentioned cases, some more B+ centric products are starting to appear.

Over on the Cyntech shop, they’ve got the following:

  • 40-way ribbon cables of various designs (1 2 3)
  • 40-way paddle connector board
  • 40-way GPIO Cobbler boards (for use with the ribbon cables so you can break out to a breadboard). There are two variants: standard and T-shaped.
  • Another case, this time £4.99: