“Strider19” had an old novelty radio shaped like a computer. He dug out a ruler, measured it and worked out that he could fit a Raspberry Pi into the case. He grabbed a small composite monitor off Amazon to use as a screen and, having satisfactorily butchered the display adapter board, came up with what you can see in the picture above. Read how he did it here.
#RaspberryPi Rain Box
Instructables user Adum24 loves the sound of rain. So, he decided to build himself a box to play rain sounds. As you do. He thought a Raspberry Pi would be perfect for this so he got together some cheap powered speakers, used a project box as a case and set to work. Read how to do it yourself here.
Power usage on the #RaspberryPi Model B+
Alex Eames at Raspi.tv has done a fascinating comparison of power usage between the Model B and the Model B+. He’s carried out several tests and has presented the results in plain text and also on a video. Really interesting stuff and good evidence for those wanting to know if the B+ will be better with batteries (short answer: Yes, it will). Read Alex’s blog post here.
More #RaspberryPi B+ coverage
Gordon Henderson (@drogon) has got his B+ and has done a nice look at it on his blog, including the first ‘in the wild’ photo I’ve seen of the new B+ Pibow Coupe (see above). Also on his blog he’s looked at the B+’s new ability to provide more amperage through the USB ports.
Handy #RaspberryPi pinout has been updated for the B+
I guess if you’re not interested in the B+, this is a pretty slow news day!
Phil Howard (@gadgetoid) created a brilliant interactive pinout for the Raspberry Pi some time ago. He has now updated it to take into account the extra pins made available on the B+. Take a look at it here.
New products for the #RaspberryPi B+ starting to appear
Apart from the previously mentioned cases, some more B+ centric products are starting to appear.
Over on the Cyntech shop, they’ve got the following:
- 40-way ribbon cables of various designs (1 2 3)
- 40-way paddle connector board
- 40-way GPIO Cobbler boards (for use with the ribbon cables so you can break out to a breadboard). There are two variants: standard and T-shaped.
- Another case, this time £4.99: