Great #RaspberryPi related interview from Raspi.Today

Russell Barnes has done another brilliant interview – this time with 4tronix Founder and inventor Gareth Davies. In the podcast, they discuss Gareth’s previous experience in the computing industry before giving loads of detail about the Pi2Go robotics product that he expects to be available in a couple of months. Sounds like an exciting robot kit, and for about £60 I think it’ll be a big success. Listen to the podcast here.

Vintage radio/Spotify with a #RaspberryPi

It seems there’s quite a fad for taking old stuff and putting a Pi inside. Here’s another one, this time from Imgur user mxmln23. He’s taken two vintage radios, used the best bits from both and added the Pi, and lots of power circuitry to create a device that does the folllowing:

  • Standalone Spotify
  • Google Music
  • SoundCloud music player
  • Remote control it with a nice browser-interface, or with an MPD-client
  • Web Radio
  • AirTunes/AirPlay streaming
  • Last.FM scrobbling
  • Play music files from the SD, USB, Network

Take a look at his build photographs here.

Raspberry PiPod is now responsive and mobile-friendly


After a bit of messing around with different themes, Alex Eames suggested that I should make sure I hadn’t turned the responsive option off in the theme settings. It turns out it wasn’t that, but it did get me thinking… if the theme should be responsive, maybe I’ve done something to it. So, I switched back and forth and it reset the custom CSS I’d put in and, lo and behold, the site became responsive again. So, it was my fault entirely, which came as somewhat of a relief! So, I’ve re-applied my CSS changes, removed the offending lines and everything is now okay. So, thanks Alex for setting me on the road that took me to the answer! 🙂