Rayshobby has just announced a new add-on board for the Raspberry Pi. It’s a sprinkler or irrigation extension board for the Pi that provides direct access and control of sprinkler valves.
#RaspberryPi Python class for controlling 28BJY-48 stepper motor with ULN2003 board
Stephen Phillips has written an excellent piece of Python to control a 5V stepper motor from the Raspberry Pi. This worked first time for me and it’s formed the basis of a new project that I’ve unimaginatively called ‘stepper-pi’. The code for stepper-pi is on GitHub.
Cello and #Raspberry Pi in live performance
Here’s a new twist. Experimental cellist Ooray has incorporated a Raspberry Pi as a spectral delay and looper fx box in his live performance at “Experimental Portland 5”.
He previously posted a test of his Pi fx box here, including a picture of the Pi in-situ.
ATARI Lynx II converted as a #RaspberryPi case
Neil Crump has converted an old Atari Lynx II handheld into a case-with-screen for his Raspberry Pi. And he’s then run a Lynx emulator on it to get the full retro experience!
Here’s what the Lynx looks like disassembled:
and here’s a video of it all working!
He’s said that he will detail the rest of the project on his Tumblr blog.
Questions for him can be asked over Twitter.
Watch Dave Akerman’s next #RaspberryPi launch on Wednesday
Launch postponed until Wednesday 27th at Noon!
Dave Akerman, who famously launched the Pi in the Sky High Altitude Balloon has scheduled his next flight for Tuesday (26th Feb) around noon. You can view information about the flight here which includes links to the live cameras and post-flight upload sites.
The 26th February launch payload is a replica TARDIS (see below)
For up-to-date information on the launch, follow Dave’s Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/daveake
Wireless inductive charging for the #RaspberryPi
Shea Silverman has been playing with Seeed Studio’s Wireless Charging Module and has managed to set it up so that his Pi his powered wirelessly! (Well, almost wirelessly, you’ll see what I mean!)