SenseHAT emulator gets an update – adds movement sensors, 3D model

Last year, Raspberry Pi teamed up with Trinket to launch a SenseHAT emulator. This emulator, which works in your browser, has now been updated. They’ve added the ability to mimic the movement sensors on-board a real SenseHAT. They’ve also added a 3D model of the Pi/HAT hardware so you can drag it around to change the sensor values.

Take a look at the emulator here and read more about the update here.

Steampunk laptop powered by a Raspberry Pi is a work of art

I love a bit of steampunk, so this laptop caught my eye. Okay, so maybe you’d never want it on your lap, per se, but it’s still absolutely gorgeous. “Phrazelle” is the mind behind it and he created it for his girlfriend’s birthday. It has a lovely wooden case, plenty of bits and pieces bought from eBay and Etsy and key-caps to make it look like an old-fashioned typewriter. You can see an image below of the innards:

He’s added a USB hub and generally brought all the ports to where they can be accessed usefully. It’s powered by a special battery pack that outputs 5V, 12V and 9V at the same time! You can check out his build log and how-to by visiting Instructables.

Tiny, and I mean, TINY, robot built out of bits and a Raspberry Pi

At the Pi Party, the lovely people from Pi Borg turned up with an ickle, tiny, tiny robot called BoB, aka The Bot of Bits. Made from a Raspberry Pi Zero and a Zumo Chassis, together with their new Thunderborg motor controller, BoB is a zippy little thing that turns over if you stop him quickly! You can read how to make your own on Hackster.IO.

You can see a video of BoB in action below: