Jason Barnett has developed a prototype design for an on/off switch for the Pi. I know it’s been done quite a few times, but I just came across this one this afternoon: PiTX? An ATX style solution for the Pi!
How to write a Pacman-style game for the #RaspberryPi
Jason Birch has blogged about using class-based Python scripting to create a game very similar to Pacman on the Raspberry Pi.
PiMAME 0.6 Beta released
Shea Silverman has released emulator platform PiMAME on his blog.
#RaspberryPi robot controlled by Pi4J
Carl Hughes has blogged a video about the first run of his Raspberry Pi-powered robot created from a “magician” chassis.
Make Noughts and Crosses for #RaspberryPi with Python and PyGame
Liam Fraser at Linux User and Developer has written an article about making a noughts and crosses game for the Raspberry Pi.
Turning the #RaspberryPi Into a dock for an HTC Desire » The Rantings and Ravings of a Madman
Lawrence has just blogged about how he turned his Raspberry Pi into a dock for his HTC Desire mobile phone.