Russell Barnes has, in, created what I’m sure will be a hotly-followed website. His latest podcast is an interview with Alex Eames who runs, is co-creator of the HDMIPi screen that many people are waiting for and has launched his own set of product called RasPiO. It’s a great interview and I’m really glad Russell’s keeping it going. Listen to the podcast here.
Exchange Rate digital signage with a #RaspberryPi
Instructables user “smching” has written full instructions on setting up your Pi and a screen as a digital sign displaying exchange rate information. Read it here.
Wired Interview with Amy Mather
MiniGirlGeek Amy Mather, who is a geek rock-star in the making, was interviewed by Wired magazine a couple of months ago and the article has now made it’s way online. It’s only short but it’s nice to see a young hacker/maker get decent press coverage. Read it here.
Internet of Things toilet with the #RaspberryPi
I could just leave the headline like that and people would still follow the link I’m going to give… In fact, I think I’ll do just that! The Foundation has wiped covered it nicely. Read it here.
Build an action camera with a #RaspberryPi and Java
Franco Raimondi wanted to explore the possibilities of the Pi’s GPIO pins through Java. To make it a more ‘fun’ project, he decided to build a GoPro-alike action camera that he could attach to his cycle helmet. He uses the GPIO for a button and two LEDs and the camera module to take the video. Read how he did it here.
Sonic Pi: Live & Coding Summer School with the #RaspberryPi
This Summer School sounds brilliant. From Monday 28th July to Friday 1st August, Cambridge Junction will be running an event for kids aged between 10 and 14 that will get them into coding using the Raspberry Pi with Sonic Pi. At £25 for 5 days from 10am to 4pm, this is stunningly good value and features the following:
- Led by artists Juneau Projects and supported by Sonic Pi Live developer Dr Sam Aaron.
- Learn how to code using a Raspberry Pi Computer
- Write your own digital music using Sonic Pi Live software
- Build your own electronic instrument
- Perform Live at Cambridge Junction
- Work with professional live coders, musicians and artists
The ticket price includes drinks, an artist journal, a Live Coder badge and use of all the equipment.
Advance booking is essential and participants must attend all 5 days.
Please visit this page for more details and to make a booking.