The Raspberry Pi Foundation has just posted about a cool little project. Conor O’Neill has taken a Pi and a Makey Makey, used cheese as input devices, and used them to send remote control commands over Bluetooth to an RC car. Read more about it on Conor’s blog.
Third flight for the #RaspberryPi in the Sky board
Dave Akerman has not long completed his third test flight of the Pi in the Sky board – a high altitude ballooning GPIO add-on for the Pi. This recent flight was egg-shaped (as you can see above) and led the chase team on a merry dance around the Worcestershire countryside, finally ending up on a farm. This flight was remarkable for the first use of the open source software that comes with the board. Read about the flight here.
Free prize draw for CamJam EduKits for the #RaspberryPi
Vincent Willcox of has purchased two CamJam EduKits and is giving them away in a prize draw. You can enter over on their site – don’t miss out!
Build a Gameboy… sort of… with your #RaspberryPi
This is one of the more beautiful projects I’ve seen, just for pure retro quality. Noe Ruiz has written up the project over at Adafruit. Using a Pi, a PiTFT and a 3D printer, along with a few other bits and pieces, Noe has created the PiGRRL: a clone of the Gameboy with a Pi inside. It’s really a great job so all credit to Noe! Read all about it here
Computing curriculum challenges covered by #RaspberryPi Certified Educator
Getting started with the #RaspberryPi Compute Module
Les Pounder has written a blog entry over on the Element 14 website which shows you how to get started with the Compute Module, including how to install the operating system. Read more here