Here’s what they say about the latest issue of the MagPi:
This month’s MagPi contains a wealth of different material. There is a review of Raspberry Pi powered autopilot technology, the first of a mini-series from the PiBot robotics team, data acquisition with BitScope and more automation projects. We are also very pleased to host a review of the FishDish electronics board, written by our youngest guest author so far.
With standard peripherals such as the Raspberry Pi camera, a lot of interesting projects can be implemented. For example, time lapse photography is introduced this month. The Raspberry Pi, installed with Linux, provides many network diagnostic tools. Following last month’s WiFi sniffing article, some more networking tips and tricks are discussed.
The MagPi is devoted to providing programming articles without the need for additional hardware. This month, Java classes are introduced and we are please to provide the first in a series of articles on the BASIC programming language. Completing this month’s programming content, a full Python version of the Pocket Enigma Cipher machine is given. The Pocket version uses wheels, similar to the original Enigma machine shown on the cover.