Southend-on-Sea Linux User Group is organising another Jam. This one is on 22nd November and will once again be held at the Tickfield Centre. It runs from 10-5pm and will feature talks, workshops and show-and-tell. The last one was very successful and I really enjoyed it!
New education newsletter from the Raspberry Pi Foundation
Carrie Anne Philbin has just announced on the Raspberry Pi blog that a new newsletter has been launched that will cater for teachers and other educators. You can sign up for the newsletter here and view an archive of all issues here.
Use an 8×2 LCD display with your Raspberry Pi
Richard (Average Man) has written a really nice tutorial about using a small 8×2 LCD display with the Pi, using his ProtoCam prototyping board. This is a really great use of the ProtoCam (which is now fully funded on Kickstarter) which makes using one of these small displays feasible (the pins are too close together to use on a standard breadboard). Read the tutorial here.
I’m a proud supporter of the ProtoCam – I think it’s a great product for the price (£9) and I really appreciate the amount of work Richard has put in to writing material around the product – it puts a lot of other KS campaigns to shame!
Stream video from your Raspberry Pi camera module
I know I’ve covered streaming before, but this is just a reminder to myself that the best method I’ve found is using Silvan Melchoir’s RaspiMJPEG which he has combined with a web interface (pictured). All the instructions are available on the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s forum.
Here are the instructions in a nutshell:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo rpi-update
git clone
cd RPi_Cam_Web_Interface
chmod u+x
./ install
After the setup finishes, you have to restart your RPi. Now just open up any browser on any computer in your network and enter the IP of the RPi as URL.
Raspberry Pi shop, The Pi Hut, owner gets interviewed by RasPi.Today
Jamie Mann, owner of The Pi Hut and UK maker store Makersify, and all-round top bloke, has been interviewed by Russell Barnes for the RasPi.Today podcast. He talks about all sorts of things including the CamJam EduKit and it’s well worth listening to. Check it out here.
Kano kit review by Raspberry Pi IV Beginners
Here’s Matt Manning giving his balanced review of the Kano kit. Well worth watching if you’re thinking of buying the kit. In short: there are advantages and disadvantages to the kit and it’s heart is in the right place. You can leave comments for Matt on the YouTube page.
You can now buy a Kano kit for £99.99 on their site.