Awesome community solves power problem on the #RaspberryPi

Alex Eames at found a potential problem with the B+ the other day. It would start after a halt when his hand approached two of the GPIO pins. Thanks to the Raspberry Pi community, and some of the brains at the Foundation, the problem has now been solved. It’s worth reading less because of the technical problem itself but more to hear how the community rallied around and helped each other solve that problem. Read all about it here.

#RaspberryPi US Tour news for US readers

Ben Nuttall, a member of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Education team and creator of their website is due to tour the US in August. He’s on the look-out for people and places to visit and is very flexible about where he goes. So, if you’re in the States and would like Ben to visit your school, hackspace or local group, please get in touch with him! More details of the tour can be found here.