Matt over at Raspberry Pi Spy started out with a dream when he first got hold of a Raspberry Pi: a home security system. Three years later and dozens of blog posts later, he is now returning to the project and has started blogging about it. Follow his progress here.
10 best Raspberry Pi cases to 3D print
I don’t normally go in for “top 10” lists as they are a bit click-bait-y. But this one made me smile, so I thought I would share it. It’s a list of 10 3D-printable cases for the Pi complete with links to the sites you need to visit to download the 3D printer files. I particularly like the one pictured above.
First print issue of Raspberry Pi magazine The MagPi goes on sale today!
Today, The MagPi magazine comes of age when it appears in print for the first time. The new 100-page edition of the magazine is sure to be full of terrific articles and will hopefully catch the eyes of Pi owners, particularly beginners who are well-catered for in the issue. In the UK, you can find it in WHSmith and good newsagents. People in the US will need to wait a couple of weeks but will soon be able to get it from Barnes & Noble and Circuit Center. I’m going to be on the lookout for a copy – make sure you do the same! And don’t forget, if you want to subscribe there are some excellent deals available – take a look at the last issue for more details.
The magazine will, of course, still be available for free electronically on the website, but there’s nothing quite like a paper copy
Wooden Game Boy Advance, Raspberry Pi-style
Ryan Bates decided he wanted a retro gaming machine. Instead of going the usual route of taking an old console or handheld, he wanted to go bigger… much bigger. So started his build of a wooden Game Boy Advance – 300% larger than the original with a 9″ screen. Even the D-pad is wooden! The whole thing is powered by a Raspberry Pi B+. Read more over at Make.
Animate the LED matrix on the Astro Pi
Richard Hayler has been continuing his work with the Astro Pi. He’s now moved on from creating static images on the LED matrix to creating simple animations. These are created one frame at a time in a GUI that he’s built himself. He’s released the software on GitHub for you to use. You can read more about the development of the software here. We’re still waiting for the SenseHAT (the Astro Pi board) to be available to buy. I reckon when the Foundation finally does, they’ll have a winner on their hands!
Picademy comes to Birmingham
The Raspberry Pi Foundation’s free CPD for educators is coming to Birmingham. The sessions, which will be led by Martin O’Hanlon, will be held at the latest Google Digital Garage which is located inside Birmingham Library. The following dates are available:
- 27th – 28th August
- 1st – 2nd October
- 2nd – 3rd November
- 7th – 8th December
and you can apply by filling in the application form.