Hi everyone – hope you’re well in these weird, difficult times.
Over the past few months, I’ve come to the conclusion that many of the people who are interested in the Raspberry Pi are also interested in other single board computers, in particular the BBC micro:bit, a micro-controller that has become very popular in the UK. In order to allow myself to blog about both Pi and micro:bit news and projects, I’ve changed the branding on my blog to include the micro:bit.
My first love will always be the Raspberry Pi: I owe it and the Raspberry Pi Foundation so much in terms of my learning, my friendship group and my hobbies. However, there are times when I think that a micro:bit is the better answer, particularly when it comes to those first steps into computing. Please note: I am not saying that the Pi in any way has issues in terms of what it sets out to do, and the way it does it; just that sometimes a family or child just wants to plug something into their laptop and “get on with it” rather than burn an SD card and come to terms with the finer points of Linux/Raspbian.
I guess what I’m saying is: There is room for both, and there is a point to both.
That explains the change in name and header image, I hope! This blog is now called “Raspberry Pi Pod and micro:bit base”. I like a bit of alliteration! 🙂
I’m also planning on blogging a little more than in recent months. I’ve had to re-evaluate how I spend my time – there are plenty of projects I’d like to get on with, house stuff, family stuff, theatre stuff. It all takes time. But there is room for blogging, too, and I do enjoy it!
Until next time!