Backers for HDMIPi, the affordable HDMI screen for the Raspberry Pi (among other uses!) have received a massive update newsletter from creators Alex Eames and Dave Mellor. I’ll attempt to summarise:
- They have announced a stretch goal at £200k (which is currently just £10k away) for a 5.2V power supply for the Pi running off the interface board. This is an excellent stretch goal as a lot of people want to run their entire set-up just by using one power supply.
- Stretch goals are being met regularly. There are currently multiple choices for the screen surround available: white, pink and blue. Black is the next one to be unlocked (just £5k left to be raised).
- A new reward level has been created: the Mega level. This level goes for £160 and includes a flexible HDMI cable, a portable wireless keyboard and a low-power wifi dongle. It represents great value-for-money.
- Alex and Dave are planning to take a trip to Hong Kong and China to finalise the supply chain for the unit to ensure that communication risks are reduced.
- They have ruled out capacitive touch (on the grounds of cost and complexity) but have opened the door for a resistive touch screen as a possible add-on for the HDMIPi at a later stage.
- It is now possible to add a power supply unit to your pledge by adding £5 to your pledge. A region-specific PSU will be provided by default.
- Alex has added links to all the YouTube videos showing demos of the screen prototype to the bottom of the update.
All information, including how to back this project, can be found at http://hdmipi.com
Disclaimer: I am a backer for this Kickstarter.