Free Webinar for #RaspberryPi enthusiasts about the PiFace and Gertboard

From the element14 website:

This webinar will be hosted by element14 luminaries Drew Fustini and Cabe Atwell in which they will discuss the next stage in the Raspberry Pi revolution: the development of easy to use accessories. Drew and Cabe will take a look at the innovative PiFace Digital and Assembled Gertboard and show how these innovations are continuing to drive Raspberry Pi’s transformation of the technology landscape. The session will be followed by a Question and Answer period.

There are also two competitions to win a PiFace and an Assembled Gertboard.

Sign up for the webinar here

Programme for the Raspberry Jamboree now available – #RaspberryPi

The itinerary for the various sessions of the Manchester Raspberry Jamboree is now available here.

There’s some really exciting sessions here and I really wish I was going! Although focussed on education, there is much more general stuff than I was expecting.

There are still tickets left for the live web cast, so if you can’t get up there, spend all day Saturday watching it online!