Frank Carver has done a short tutorial on installing Node.js, which is effectively a Javascript server, on the Pi. It’s all the rage nowadays and it’s worth having a go if you’re at all Javascript-orientated. Read all about it here
MagPi issue 24 is out now for #RaspberryPi owners
The 24th issue of The MagPi, the enthusiast-run and edited magazine for the Pi, is out now. It contains a big feature on the Picademy and you can see the rest of the contents in the picture above.
Paignton Raspberry Jam for #RaspberryPi enthusiasts
Paul Sutton is organising a series of monthly Jams at Paignton Library and Information Centre. These are all free events. The next one is this Saturday from 1-3pm. You can read more and see the dates for this year on this page.
3 million #RaspberryPi units sold and a trip to Buck Palace
The Raspberry Pi Foundation received the Pi sales figures from RS and Farnell and discovered that over 3 million units have now been sold. Considering Eben’s been on record saying that he expected them to sell 10,000 of them, this is just fantastic news! You can read more on their blog including details of their recent visit to Buckingham Palace to attend the UK Tech Reception (oh, yes, and meet the Queen… as you do!)
Brew beer with the #RaspberryPi
Sebastian Düll has created a Raspberry Pi-powered beer brewing controller. It’s pretty advanced (but then, as Lifehacker pointed out: if you want a Pi controlling the brewing you’re going to already be pretty serious about it!) His instructions, including designs for the custom PCB, are available on his blog.
Schedule programs with cron on the #RaspberryPi
Trevor Appleton has done a great tutorial on the ins-and-outs of using cron to schedule programs to run. It’s useful for all Linux users, not just Raspberry Pi owners! Read all about it here.