Matt Hawkins has done an excellent guide to using the new 3.5mm audio/video port on the B+, including a table that shows the different standards that you might come across. Interesting reading for those who like their composite video output. Read it here.
New standards for GPIO boards on the #RaspberryPi B+
There are two pins on the GPIO on the new B+ all to do with EEPROM. Now, it doesn’t really matter to most users what these pins do, but for those who are developing add-on boards that plug into the pins, it could make all the difference. According to James Adams of the Raspberry Pi Foundation, these pins can be used to allow add-on boards, called HATs (Hardware Attached to the Top) to program the Pi on boot-up and create new and exciting behaviours. You can read the current technical specs and documentation by visiting this GitHub site (although it’s currently a work-in-progress) and you can hear more from James about the potential of the EEPROM pins by reading this interview on
Sonic Pi v2 coming to #RaspberryPi in August
Russell Barnes over at has done an interview with Dr Sam Aaron, creator of Sonic Pi. In it, Sam says that the new version will be out in late August and that he already has plans for version 3! Read the interview here.
Solar-powered #RaspberryPi powered school fundraiser
Some folks in South Africa who run the United Twenty-13 non-profit organisation are attempted to build a solar-powered Raspberry Pi lab for schoolkids. To do this, they need to raise just over $10k. This sounds like a great project to get behind and could really make a difference in the lives of children who are deprived of the luxuries most of us can afford. If you’d like to find out more or would like to donate, visit the IndieGoGo page. Thanks to the Raspberry Pi Foundation for pointing this story out!
Open the pod bay doors with a #RaspberryPi
Eduardo Zola and Perla Zola have taken a Raspberry Pi, created a wooden case for it and added an ‘all seeing eye’ and made a HAL9000 replica. It’s a lovely build which you can see a tour of by watching the video below. Version 2 is currently in the works! It’s well worth looking at their website for some of the other projects they’ve done – really clever guys.
Another cool #RaspberryPi Gameboy mod
Raspberry Pi Forum user Microbyte has taken an old Gameboy and squeezed a Raspberry Pi and a composite screen in to create a handheld retro gaming machine. I know this has been done before, but this is a neat build and an excellent write-up should you wish to replicate his work – lots of photos, diagrams and details. Take a read here.