Trevor Appleton has written a really good walk-through tutorial on using the Twitter API and the tweepy Python library to send tweets out from your Pi. Take a look here.
Ipswich Raspberry Jam – 27th February
Andy Proctor has just announced that tickets are on sale for the next Ipswich Raspberry Jam. This one will take place on 27th February from 10am-4pm at the UCS Waterfront Building. If you’re in the area, it’ll be well worth checking it out. Tickets are £1.50 and are available here.
Stafford Raspberry Jam – Wednesday 10th February
Cerys (@RPi_Stuff) is running a Raspberry Jam in Stafford on Wednesday 10th February. The event will run from 6-8.30pm at King Edward VI High School on West Way. The plan is to have people bring their own equipment along, have some show-and-tell and possibly a few short talks. The Jam is free and you can get tickets from Eventbrite.
Use bar graph displays with the Raspberry Pi
Average Man has written a great tutorial on using these tiny bar graph displays with the Pi. There’s a lot of wiring involved, and a lot of maths, but he takes you through it. He’s also written some code to make the whole thing work and then soldered it up on one of his Pi Zero prototype boards. Read more here.
RasPiO Pro Hat – new reward level launched for Raspberry Pi add-on board
Alex Eames has just announced a new reward level for his RasPiO Pro Hat Kickstarter and I just thought I’d bring it to your attention.
In case you missed it, the Pro Hat is a great new plug-in board for the Raspberry Pi that breaks out all the GPIO pins to female headers, in numerical order (using the BCM numbering scheme) and provides a mini-breadboard on which you can prototype circuits. All the ports are protected so that you can connect things up incorrectly and still not injure your Pi.
The new reward level is £25, is called the GPIO Zero Experimenter’s Kit and includes the following:
- The RasPiO Pro Hat itself
- Five 10mm LEDs
- MCP3008 ADC chip
- TMP-36 temp sensor
- 1-channel relay
- PIR motion sensor
- 10k potentiometer
- 40-way male header
- 20 M-M jumper leads
- 20 M-F jumper leads
- Piezo buzzer
- Large button
- 10k resistor
It’s a great bundle of goodies and will really show off the capabilities of both the Pro Hat and also Ben Nuttall’s GPIO Zero library (I recently came to understand the benefits of the library – read about that here). It includes an analog-to-digital converter chip (the good ol’ MCP3008) and both a potentiometer and an analog sensor (TMP-36) to get you going in the analog world. It’s nice to see the big LEDs making an appearance and Alex plans on some instructions/tutorials to help you get the most out of the components, including the relay board (which is a mystery to me, so I’m looking forward to that one!). It’s these instructions that really add value to the package – Alex has got a great writing style and goes into a lot of detail with these things, so it’ll definitely be ‘worth having’.
So, if you haven’t backed yet, or if you’d like to change your pledge, head over to the Kickstarter. I’m off there myself now!
The Pi Podcast covers RetroPie operating system for the Raspberry Pi
The boys from the Pi Podcast team continue their streak of excellent broadcasts with their new episode. This time, in addition to a news round-up, they cover RetroPie which is an operating system focusing on retro gaming. Listen to the podcast here.