Hack into the Pokemon API and make this clever little Raspberry Pi tracker


The Ruiz brothers over at Adafruit have found a way to create a Pokemon tracking device by hacking into the Pokemon API. Warning: make a separate account because this is definitely against their terms of service! They use a Raspberry Pi Zero and a special 3D-printed case which has three LEDs to indicate what type of Pokemon is nearby – common, rare or legendary. All the code is on Github and you can find instructions and the files for 3D printing over on the Adafruit tutorials hub.


Rewarding good behaviour with the Raspberry Pi

Stuart Harrison has a young son whose school awards (good behaviour) reward points and (bad) behaviour points. Frustrated with the school’s interface, Stuart set-up a screen scraper to get the data off their system and put it onto his own system. After a while, he realised that their method of points was flawed, at least in regards to how it awarded them with respect to his son. So, he decided to build his own reward system using a couple of Amazon Dash buttons and a Raspberry Pi 3. Programmed with a combination of Ruby and Node, the system runs on a 5″ display with the Dash buttons alongside which add points on. Ingenious, and highly effective according to Stuart. You can read about how he did it, and see the code, over on his blog.

Bloomberg covers David Pride’s 4Bot and interviews Raspberry Pi’s Eben Upton

Ashlee Vance of Bloomberg recently visited the UK, more specifically Gloucester and Cambridge. In Gloucester, he visited David Pride who created the awesome 4Bot Connect 4-playing robot. Vance also interviews Eben Upton, on a punt, to get the rationale behind the Pi. It’s a lovely 5 minute segment and it’s great to see the community side getting in there – Vance visited the nearby Cotswold Raspberry Jam so there’s the thrill of seeing kids learning how to program and we even see some of Brian Corteil’s Micro PiNoon in action! (And on a personal note, it was lovely to see some red EduKit 3 wheels go zooming by!) Take a look at the segment below: