Alex Bain is starting a new series on creating a universal remote using a Raspberry Pi and an IR transmitter. Read more here
Raspberry Jamboree – intro to robotics with the #RaspberryPi session
Cymplecy has published information about their successful session on robotics with the Raspberry Pi at the Raspberry Jamboree on the 9th March. Their page shows videos of the practical side of the session and there is a link to the presentation itself. Read the article here
#RaspberryPi Model Railway Controller / @Raspberry_Pi
Peter Wallen has interfaced a Raspberry Pi to a model railway using a DCC controller and hall-effect switches to provide position feedback from the track.
Save our horses! Abattoir! A topical Scratch game on the #RaspberryPi
Martin O’Hanlon has created a tasteless, yet topical and very funny game about butchery and saving the common horse
3 reasons why your #RaspberryPi doesn’t work properly
MakeUseOf sums up the top 3 Reasons Why Your Raspberry Pi Doesn’t Work Properly.
Possible faster analog to digital conversion on the #RaspberryPi
Raspberry Alpha Omega is looking into the possibility of using a Freescale Freedom development board from Farnell to take analog samples at 800,000 baud. Read more here.