Anders Wikström has created a gingerbread house and then added an Adafruit RGB LED pixels strand. The Pi controls them and he’s built an interface using to control them remotely.
Synergy on the #RaspberryPi
Adafruit has published a new tutorial to enable you to use Synergy on your Pi.
Synergy is a free and open source software that allows multiple computers to share a mouse and keyboard. One of the computers that the keyboard and mouse is connected to becomes a Synergy server. The other computers becomes Synergy clients. All of this is done over the network. So if your Raspberry Pi is connected to the network somehow (via Ethernet or WiFi), you can setup your Raspberry Pi as a Synergy client so you can remotely control your Raspberry Pi from another computer.
Build Your Own #RaspberryPi Gertboard Experimenter Kit
Joe Alderson at Element 14 has written a tutorial for creating an experimenter board with the Gertboard. He’s included all the resources to get you going (including a laser cutter file, but I daresay one can knock one up with a plain old saw).
I believe this is the same board that we saw at CamJam in July at Cambridge Consultants!
Building a retro joystick and retro games platform with the #RaspberryPi
BenCao74 has been working on a GPIO board called the PiJamma. It’s been designed to make it simple to connect retro gaming hardware to the Pi.
Cambridge Raspberry Jam – call for presenters, workshops & show-and-tell #camjam #rjam #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi
Our next Raspberry Jam (CamJam!) is on Saturday 8th February. It will, once again, be held at the Institute of Astronomy. Contrary to what we said a couple of times last Saturday, it’s unlikely to be any smaller, but we won’t be changing the format too much. We will be running programming workshops again.
We’d like to ask if you would be interested in doing any of the following:
- Presenting in the Lecture Theatre (can be anything from a 5 minute lightning talk about your project to a full 30 minute slot)
- Running/helping with a workshop in the meeting room. We’re particularly looking for hands-on workshops where we can use our Pis. Sessions that are kid-friendly are especially welcome.
- Showing your project in our demo area (aka Show-and-Tell)
Please let us know as soon as possible by either commenting on this post or contacting us directly through the blog.
Best Regards & Merry Christmas!
Michael Horne & Tim Richardson
Google & RPi Foundation #RaspberryPi giveaway for 2000 kids
In support of “Hour of Code” as part of Computer Science Education Week, the Foundation is giving away 2000 Google Pis to schools and individual kids. This is a competition and involves a) running an Hour of Code workshop before the end of term and b) designing a My Pi Project poster.