Using a Pi, a button and a resistor, it’s possible to create this ultra-simple internet radio. Giles Booth has written the project up and you can read all about it here. Thanks to Pi Weekly for spotting this!
Voice controlled electrical outlets with the #RaspberryPi
Ben Finio has written an excellent Instructable in which he details the process of reverse-engineering some wireless remotes for electrical sockets and then combines them with a Pi running Steven Hickson‘s VoiceCommand software.
Get the CPU and GPU temperatures of the #RaspberryPi in Python
Nice little bit of Python from the ‘piman’. He’s written two functions to get the core system temperatures.
Use Wolfram Mathematica to do more on your #RaspberryPi than you thought possible
And I thought that Mathematica was only for doing maths on the Pi. Boy was I wrong!
The Foundation have just published a great article linking to several examples that show Mathematica doing some cool stuff over the GPIO.
Add video streaming from your #RaspberryPi robot to a web device
This article from Linux User & Developer builds upon their previous work to do with building a robot with a Pi.
To start with, the article takes you through using mpeg-streamer very nicely to stream video from your Pi Cam. It then moves on to installing Apache and building a web interface for remote control.
A portable classroom on the #RaspberryPi with edX
Open-source online learning platform edX can now be run on the Raspberry Pi. Started by MIT & Harvard, the development team has released a new distro image that you can download and install on an SD card. It is at an early stage at the moment and several features have yet to be implemented, but it’s worthwhile taking a look if you’re after an online learning system.