Alex Eames has taken some shots with the ordinary camera module and the new Pi NoIR camera so that we can see what the differences are. He’s also listed examples of the types of applications it is useful for.
The Pi NoIR camera for #RaspberryPi goes on sale
Both Matt, over at Raspberry Pi Spy, and Alex over at RasPi.TV have got hold of a Pi NoIR camera module. This is the standard camera but without the infrared filter.
As per the announcement on the Foundation homepage, you can now buy them. Here’s some links to suppliers:
Read more and see more photos here at Raspberry Pi Spy and also here at RasPi.TV.
Manty is a #RaspberryPi robot that uses BrickPi
Laurens Volk received the BrickPi from the Kickstarter campaign a few weeks ago. He’s built an NXT praying mantis-style robot with the kit and bits that he already had (see above).
For more info and a video of the robot, visit Robot Square.
#RaspberryPi and Wiimote controlled Robot Arm
“Boardmaster” has been busy. He’s published an Instructable that shows you how to control a robot arm with a Wiimote.
The #RaspberryPi as an educational tool at University
At the State University of New York at Albany, 900 students are benefiting from their instructor’s bright idea. He is using the Raspberry Pi as a learning device instead of a traditional textbook-approach. Ethan Sprissler (the instructor in question) has prepared a simple presentation so that they can understand the Pi and he then takes them through the process of running a web server and using the Pi camera module from within Python (although not using a Python library, which is the newer way of doing it).
#RaspberryPi table-top arcade build
A nice bit of happy Friday blogging that I might have covered before but never mind! Worth more air-time.
Rob Miles (@robmiles) has been working on a large (an entire table) table-top arcade machine. You can check out his build progress on his Journal. The current build progress is shown above! Looks very snazzy!
Thanks to for the heads-up.