#RaspberryPi Bake Off event for Hertfordshire schools

Raspberry Pi Bake Off Registration, Stevenage - Eventbrite

A bunch of STEM Ambassadors and teachers from Richard Hale School in Stevenage are running a set of Raspberry Pi workshops for kids and teachers on Thursday, 12th December from 9am-3.30pm. This is a brilliant opportunity to get started with the Pi. So, if you study at, or are a teacher in, a Hertfordshire school, register over at EventBrite! It’s all taking place at North Herts College in Stevenage.

It’s free for teachers, £7.50 per student. For every 5 students 1 teacher must attend up to a maximum of 10 students and 2 teachers.

Read more and register here

Festive fun with the PiRingo LED board for the #RaspberryPi

PiRingo: Festive Fun for Raspberry Pi GPIO by Gareth Davies - 4tronix — Kickstarter

Just in time for Christmas, ebay and Amazon seller 4tronix have developed a cute little GPIO add-on board for the Pi. It has a ring of LEDs and two switches meaning you can use it in a PiGlow-type way but also interactively. They suggest several projects on their Kickstarter project page and there are a lot of possibilities with something as simple and well put-together as this. It requires some simple soldering but this is exactly the kind of low-cost easy-access project you could use with your kids to teach them soldering. 4tronix have promised a suite of example scripts and apps written in Scratch and Python to get you started with the programming.

I’ve backed it and, at £8 for the earlybird deal and £9 for the regular board, I recommend that you support this UK company and pledge too!

I am not affiliated with 4tronix – I’m just a very happy past customer!

Read more about the board at Kickstarter

Advantage vPi for the #RaspberryPi offers VMware toolbox

vPi « Xtravirt | Dedicated to Virtualisation

Enterprise virtualisation solutions provider Xtravirt have developed a new Raspberry Pi SD card image download called Advantage vPi. Here’s what they say about it:

Advantage vPi is a complete VMware vSphere management toolbox solution in-a-box designed to run on a Raspberry Pi device. It acts as a highly lightweight and portable remote agent or client and contains over a dozen utilities and hundreds of reports, queries and functions, and is completely customisable and extensible.

Designed to get a myriad of tasks done quickly and efficiently, it has been developed by Xtravirt, and is being freely offered to the community for support and enhancement. For rapid ease of use it is provided as a downloadable image which can be immediately installed onto your own choice of Raspberry Pi device.

More information, including a complete list of features and a link to the image download is available from the Xtravirt website

New Motor Controller Board Kit for the #RaspberryPi

Ryanteck Raspberry Pi Motor Controller Board Kit from Ryanteck LTD. | Tindie

Ryan Walmsley, the programmer behind rastrack.co.uk, co-editor of Pi Weekly and organiser of the Stevenage Raspberry Jam has moved into the hardware arena with his Motor Controller Board. The budget-priced board is designed to do one thing, and do it well. It will run two DC motors at 0.5A each (or 1 motor at 1A) with 4.5-12V of power. The motors can be programmed to run in either direction and software PWM can be used to control speed.

He’s decided to run this through Tindie and the board can be got for $20, delivered (which is about £12.50, a very good price for a budget board). It does need some soldering, but looking at the board I can’t see anything being too complicated.

If you want something like this, please support Ryan. He’s done a lot for the Pi community and this young man deserves our support.

Read more about the board and get one on Tindie here

Here’s a rather shaky video of the board in action: