Eben’s been over in Dublin talking at the University College. His speech, As Easy As (Raspberry) Pi: How New Technologies Are Changing Your World, can be viewed on YouTube or embedded below:
New memory stick from Cyntech sports the #RaspberryPi logo
This post is no longer valid. Cyntech did not obtain the required licence to use the logo before producing the sticks and permission has not been granted. Naughty.
Student aims to run his #RaspberryPi from a hydrogen fuel cell
Timo Kurz is currently working with the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany to develop the RaspberryHy, a hydrogen fuel cell driven power source for the Raspberry Pi. He seems to have got quite a long way with it, even developing an enclosure to contain the Pi and the fuel cell, and he’s doing it as part of his thesis.
Stream from a camera on the #RaspberryPi to an Android phone
Here’s a quick one. Someone’s figured out how to use gstreamer to stream to an Android phone running a custom app. They’ve only got it working using a USB camera at the moment, but I’d imagine it would be quite simple to adapt it for the camera module perhaps by joining it up with this post which shows how to stream the camera module from raspivid.
Read about it here or watch it in action below
Change the command-line font size on your #RaspberryPi
Matt Hawkins has blogged about two ways to change the size of the font on your Pi. The first uses a piece of software called dpkg-reconfigure and the other involves manually editing a configuration file.
If you’ve got a low-resolution or small screen and you’re having trouble reading the text, give his tutorials a go. Read it here.
HDMIPi beta board review from #RaspberryPi Spy
Just doing a bit of a blog on a Saturday evening and spotted Matt Hawkins’ review of the HDMIPi beta board. Definitely worth a read if you’ve either reserved one or are thinking about it.