Create an interactive pet with the Raspberry Pi and SenseHAT


Carrie Anne Philbin has been very busy recently with her Raspberry Pi Foundation duties. Now she’s back in her guise as the creator of the Geek Gurl Diaries videos!

Her new video tutorial takes you through from connecting up the SenseHAT to having the movement sensors on the HAT trigger a behaviour on the LED matrix to create an ‘interactive pet’. She also covers the design of your ‘pet’ using various tools and coding everything up in Python 3.

It’s a great tutorial, as we’ve come to expect from Carrie Anne, and well worth looking at if you own a SenseHAT or if you’re thinking of buying one.

You can watch the video below and you can visit YouTube to leave Carrie Anne a comment:

Cloud security camera using a Raspberry Pi

Tony Dicola over at Adafruit has published a tutorial which takes you through the steps needed to create a motion-sensor controlled security camera which uploads photographs to Dropbox so they can be viewed from anywhere in the world. They’ve even included a hinged, 3D-printed enclosure for the set-up. Read the tutorial here and view the video below:

Peterborough Raspberry Jam – Saturday 28th November

This is just a bit of a shout-out for the Peterborough Raspberry Jam which will be taking place on 28th November from 10.30am-4.30pm at the University Campus on Park Crescent. This looks like it’s going to be a lot of fun with talks, show-and-tell and workshops going on. I really enjoyed the first one they ran and I’m glad that they’re making a return. So, if you’re in the area (or even if you’re not!) get yourself along to the event! Tickets are available here and are £3 for adults and free for 16-and-unders.

Coding Evening spreads to Southend-on-Sea


Cat Lamin’s Coding Evening idea has gone from strength to strength and they are now starting to pop up in the most extraordinary places. The latest one is in Southend-on-Sea on 19th November at 7.30pm. It is being run by the guys from SOSLUG/Southend Raspberry Jam and hopes to attract teachers and industry experts to share knowledge and expertise on Raspberry Pi, Microbit, and more. You can find out more about Coding Evenings here and book (free) tickets to the Southend event here.