Mobile Phone Basestation created on Raspberry Pi

Basestation created on Raspberry Pi

Wireless experts from PA Consulting have used a Raspberry Pi to run a mobile phone basestation that operates a private network. The team hooked the Raspberry Pi up to a radio interface and, using Open Source software, implemented the functionality of a mobile basestation. Along with two mobile phones with sim cards, PA created all the functionality to make the phones talk to each other. PA set up its Raspberry Pi in a screened room to ensure no laws on frequency spectrum were broken.

Read their article and watch the video here.

Interface board for Olimex UEXT modules for Raspberry Pi


Olimex have brought out a new board which allows the Raspberry Pi to have access to UEXT modules like Relay modules, Thermocouple sensor modules, 3-axis magnetometer and accelerometers, Zigbee, WiFi, GSM, GPS etc.

You can purchase one here: RPi-UEXT.

This is a fantastic little board that works not only to give access to UEXT but also breaks out the GPIO pins very neatly. At only a little under 4 euros, you can’t really go wrong – it’s cheaper than the similar Pi Cobbler boards.

The Olimex blog post announcing it can be found here and there is a post looking at the release announcement here.

A comprehensive look at what you can do with the board is contained in the original pre-release announcement.