Very impressive guest post over on the Foundation’s website about using the Raspberry Pi as an image analyser for MRI images. Read the post here
Raspberry Pi Website Hit Tracker – david singleton
David Singleton has created a Raspberry Pi Website Hit Tracker so that whenever someone visits his page a neon lamp lights up!
He’s documented the process and released all the code necessary for you to duplicate his project. Nice one, David!
Find all the #RaspberryPi on your network from Linux
I was at work running a Pi headless… And I realised I had no way of knowing what the IP address was. I’d tried using Angry IP Scanner but, for some reason, this failed to work. After a little Googling, I found this answer on the Raspberry Pi forums from well-known Pi guru Gordon Henderson.
This only works from Linux, but is useful to know:
If e.g. your LAN is then create a bash script:
#!/bin/bash # findPi: # Find all Pi's on the LAN fping -a -r1 -g &> /dev/null arp -n | fgrep " b8:27:eb"
This produces: ether b8:27:eb:a5:16:f6 C eth0 ether b8:27:eb:94:39:fd C eth0 ether b8:27:eb:87:37:da C eth0
This works because all Pis have MAC addresses beginning with b8:27:eb (this info also found on the Raspberry Pi forum thread)
#RaspberryPi Media Centre – what you can And cannot do
Christian Cawley has written an excellent piece about the limitations and functionality of the various XBMC media center distros that can be run on the Raspberry Pi. This isn’t a comparison between OpenElec, RaspBmc and Xbian, but more an overview of their common problems.
Raspberry Jamboree – Live webcast tickets on sale for #RaspberryPi enthusiasts
Raspberry Jam-meister Alan O’Donohoe has just set-up an EventBrite event to view a live webcast of the Raspberry Jamboree taking place in Manchester on 9th March:
Live Web Cast of Raspberry Jamboree 2013, Sat 09.03.13 – Eventbrite.
Tickets are £2.70 (including booking fee). This is a great opportunity to virtually attend what is sure to be the biggest, and perhaps the most important, Jam yet.
I’ve booked my ticket – go and get yours! There are just under 100 left as of writing this.
Autonomous #RaspberryPi Tank… almost / @Raspberry_Pi
Ian Renton’s blog about building a Raspberry Pi-powered tank never ceases to amaze me. This time, it’s Raspberry Tank Day 25: The Beginnings of Autonomy. His tank takes on a cupboard and… well, you’ll have to read his blog to find out.
Here’s a video of Ian testing the tank. Visit his blog to see Cupboard vs Tank.