Instructables user ‘tnkrmnz’ has written a tutorial on using a MSO-28 Oscilloscope with a Raspberry Pi to create a portable unit that you can connect to with your smartphone. Part of the tutorial includes turning the unit into a wifi access point for easy connection.This could prove very useful for remote controlled cars, for instance!
Registration for the February Cambridge Raspberry Jam is now open #camjam #rjam
Grid piano practice machine uses a #RaspberryPi at it’s heart
Marc “Nostromo” Resibois has taken a Pi and a Novation Launchpad and created a beautiful musical instrument.
#RaspberryPi-based tablet is a piece of design beauty
Michael Castor has written a great article on MakeZine about making his PiPad – a Raspberry Pi-based tablet. He used a touchscreen from Chalk Elec and then created his own, beautiful, surround for it. It all runs off a battery and he’s even taken it onboard a flight without sending airport security into a kerfuffle.
Scratch programming in Easy Steps – book review
Primary School teach Ian Addison has blogged a review of Sean McManus’ book “Scratch Programming in Easy Steps”.
Create a mini Maker Space for the #RaspberryPi and other electronics work
Christian Tsu-Raun has written a lovely piece at about what to put in your work area for your Maker activities. He describes a great work desk and explains all about what you need to fill it with to get maximum utility and enjoyment. Above is a picture of the finished space but you can read all about the individual parts of the work desk here.