Using Plotly to create a graph of dissolved oxygen with the #RaspberryPi

Here’s an interesting one for those of you (like me) who like sensors. Someone’s taken an Atlas Scientific dissolved oxygen sensor and breakout board and connected it up to a Raspberry Pi. The Pi then runs a piece of Python script and uses Atlas’ library to read the data and feeds it into Plotly to plot the graph. Read more here. It’s not a cheap project (the Atlas components are close to $200) but is interesting to see how the Plotly interface is done.

Dawn Robotics publishes new #RaspberryPi robot code

Internet retailer Dawn Robotics has released new versions of some of the software for their robot bundle. The update includes a new camera streaming script and a shutdown button for the web interface. It’s well worth looking at their page and their code for ideas for your own robot, even if you’re not using their kit. It’s always great to see retailers releasing code to the community and we should commend them for their efforts! Read more here