Bring mobile communications to your Raspberry Pi with SB Components’ PiTalk

A couple of weeks ago, it was announced that the EMF Camp badge for this year would be a fully-enabled GSM mobile phone. EMF Camp set-up their own GSM/mobile network for the badges to work on and each of the 16 base stations were run on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ with a LimeSDR Mini attached. As it turns out, for most of the time of the event, the system didn’t work, but you have to admire their ambition! Addendum: it apparently was working, it was just a problem with some of the badges. Take a look in the comments to read more about this. Read more about the project over at Hackaday.
Australian software engineer Sarah Spencer has taken a Raspberry Pi and an Arduino-compatible board and written some PHP and Python code to interface to hack a Brother KM950i knitting machine. The resultant set-up allows her to send an image to the machine over her network with more than two colours in any single row of knitting. Her latest project, Stargazing: A Knitted Tapestry, measures 4.6 metres (15 feet) wide and 2.8 metres (9 feet) high and was displayed at, and was funded by, recent geek festival EMF Camp where I was privileged to see it up-close-and-personal:
The work had been embedded with LEDs that lit up constellations. You could request a light-up from a website which was then sent over to the tapestry. I’m not sure if this involved a Pi too, but either way it was very clever, though non-functioning when we visited. You can see Spencer giving a talk about the knitting machine at EMF Camp here and you can read a bit more here, where there are links to her website.
Cotswold Raspberry Jam is back, after the summer break, on Saturday 15 September from 1-4pm in Cheltenham. Visit their website to get free tickets.
All equipment is provided, you don’t need to bring anything. The Jam is suitable for ages 7 to adult. No experience is necessary. There will be lots of games, robots and a quadcopter demonstration. Tutorials this month are:
In addition, if you can bring your own computing or electronics project, that would be great, and the best one will win a prize. It doesn’t have to be a Raspberry Pi project. You can turn up early from 11am if you need time to set up your project.
Once again, if you’d like to attend, visit their website to get free tickets.
Les Pounder has published a review of the new Pimoroni Picade retro gaming machine over at electromaker.io. It’s a comprehensive build-and-function review which looks at both good points and bad points of the kit. Read the review here.
Michael Darby has taken a 5 inch LCD screen, a holographic pyramid, a Skywriter HAT and, of course, a Raspberry Pi and created a Holo Cube. By moving his hand over the top of the Skywriter HAT, he can manipulate a 3D-projected image within the pyramid.
You can see it in action below and read more about how to do it yourself over on his blog.