Live pictures from #RaspberryPi camera module (I hope!)

Here’s an experiment! I’ve set-up my Pi to automatically take a picture every minute with the new Raspberry Pi Camera Module. The current image is below and is taken out of my study window. Right in the centre (between the houses) is what we refer to as the Potton Pole, which is actually the Sandy Heath transmitter. Depending on the weather, it may or may not be visible. It came as somewhat of a shock to realise that it was right there opposite the house!

Please be kind if the image doesn’t show when you view it – I might’ve turned the Pi off or it might’ve gone wrong!

My next step is to get a pan/tilt mechanism working so I can move the camera remotely. At the moment, the board is held up by one of those helping hands things!

Hour 8 update: still going, clearly having taken pictures throughout the night.

Hour 13 update: still going, though I think the helping hands are slowly drooping off to the right… I really must get it to save each picture so I can do time-lapse.