Coronax has blogged about his ‘beginners’ experiment with Python and the PyGame library. He’s managed to get a working example of Conway’s Game of Life running on his Raspberry Pi. Read more here
Run your #RaspberryPi as a Spotify server
Wouter van Wijk has built a Raspberry Pi distro image called Pi MusicBox that will run a Spotify server with little or no intervention or configuration. Read more here
OctoPrint – control a 3D printer from a #RaspberryPi
Another quickie – just a link to a repository for OctoPrint which provides a responsive web interface for controlling a 3D printer (RepRap, Ultimaker etc). Get the code here
System info script in Python for the #RaspberryPi
It has been pointed out to me that CAGE has mostly taken their script from Jeremy Blythe’s work here.
A quickie from CAGE Web Design – a Python script to print out some basic system info for the Raspberry Pi. Read the tutorial
#RaspberryPi Shotter – webcam timelapse
Daniele Nicassio has done a great tutorial on using a webcam to automatically take photos every 10 seconds and then create a timelapse video out of the images, all on the Raspberry Pi. The great news for me is that he’s added a piece of code for ‘mencoder’ for making a series of images into a video, which is just what I need for the camera module photos I took. Read the tutorial over on Daniele’s site for more info.
PiUi: framework for a simple mobile phone UI to your #RaspberryPi
David Singleton’s been hard at work on creating a Python framework for Raspberry Pi mobile phone user interfaces. Read more here