This is a really excellent, in-depth guide to the GPIO and what you can connect up to it. There’s code examples, there’s info on expansion boards, technical info. Definitely worth a read for those who are on the steps from novice to intermediate. Read it here..
Using an iPad as a display for the #RaspberryPi
Jeff Skinner has been using his iPad together with the iSSH app from Zingersoft. This gives him not only access to the command line, but also (more importantly) applications on the Xwindows desktop! Read about it here
#RaspberryPi in a NES case
Igor Kromin took a non-working Nintendo Entertainment System from eBay, a Raspberry Pi and some know-how and put them all together so he could run a NES/SNES emulated games. Read about his project here
PiSNES – Super Nintendo Emulator for #RaspberryPi
There’s a new emulator on the block, this one from developer Squid. This is a Super Nintendo emulator running on the Raspberry Pi based on the SNES9X emulator. Read more and get it here
Slackware ARM on a #RaspberryPi
I don’t think I’ve blogged this before. It’s always nice to see a different distro on the Pi. This time, it’s Slackware’s turn. Read more and get the distro here
Monitoring your pet’s home life with the #RaspberryPi
Colorado-based hacker Dox has written some Python and teamed it up with a webcam to monitor his pet remotely. The script listens to a specific email account and when a specific email is received it takes a snapshot and emails it back to the sender. Fantastic way of doing on-demand snapshots, I tip my hat to him.