Matthew Manning over at Raspberry Pi IV Beginners has created a new video that explains how to get dynamic DNS working on your Pi. This allows you to have a static hostname for your Pi even if your actual IP address changes. Nice job, Matthew – a video is SO much better than following a list of boring instructions. 🙂
Podcast with Gert van Loo about creating the #RaspberryPi
Amelia Dalton, of Electronic Engineering Journal, has conducted an interview with Gert about the creation of the Raspberry Pi and the Gertboard and why he thinks IO education is so important for the future of engineering. Listen to the Fish Fry podcast here.
#RaspberryPi powered RoboKeg, the 3D printed hand-free beer dispenser
Chris Jeane, David Kay, Ed Paulosky and Peter Verrillo have developed an automated beer dispensing system using a Raspberry Pi. You scan a chip on a wrist band and then the 3D-printed apparatus dispenses your beer! have covered this brilliantly, so head on over there to read more.
#RaspberryPi and Rainbowduino make for psychedelic helmet
Ryan Longo and Michael Vogt have teamed up to create a Daft Punk-inspired helmet powered by a Raspberry Pi and using several I2C-capable Rainbowduinos.
Read more about the project here and watch the demonstration video.
Rock Paper Scissors with Python on the #RaspberryPi
Trevor Appleton has written a nice example program that emulates a Rock, Paper, Scissors game over on his blog. Read about it and get the script here
Controlling an RC car using a Wii Balance Board and #RaspberryPi
Conor O’Neill has been experimenting with using a Wii balance board and the cwiid library to control an i-racer remote control car via a Raspberry Pi. Read more here or watch the video below