I’ve been contacted by Mallinson Electrical, who distribute the Raspberry Pi and associated bits and pieces. They let me know that they had dropped the price of the Pi and I thought I’d take a look to see what their overall prices are like.
I get nothing out of this personally, I just think it’s interesting how different companies sell the same thing in different ways for different prices.
So, here we go. All prices are inclusive of VAT. Anything above £5 (which is most things) qualifies for free shipping.
- Raspberry Pi – Model A – £24.50
- Raspberry Pi – Model B – £29.50
- Camera module – £24.95
- Wi-Pi wireless dongle – £12.50
- Gertboard (assembled) – £39
- Pi-Face – £28.50
- Simple Pi enclosure – £5.99
Their prices make them very similar to CPC/Farnell when you take into account shipping.