Here’s a nice little guide to setting up a web server on the Pi. using lighthttpd and PHP. Read the guide
#RaspberryPi Ghetto Blaster in a suitcase
Tarek Ziadé from Mozilla has created an 80s-style ghetto blaster using a Raspberry Pi, an aluminium suitcase and some in-car speakers. His solution for powering it involves a 12V lipo battery, which is very neat. Read more here
#RaspberryPi bus announcer via Sonos
Gerardo Capiel has written some code that has the Raspberry Pi make an announcement when the San Francisco Muni bus is coming. Read more and look at the code here
Integrating the Apple II and the #RaspberryPi
Using Motion detection with the #RaspberryPi camera
Foundation forum member ‘dozencrows’ has modified the ‘Motion’ software used for motion detection for the Raspberry Pi camera module. I’ve tried it myself and it works brilliantly and with only a couple of seconds lag.
Instructions on available on the Raspberry Pi Foundation Forum. If you have problems running it, read the rest of the thread as many of the common issues are covered there.
#RaspberryPi camera RAW photo examples
California-based John Beale has taken some reference photographs using the –raw mode option with the Raspberry Pi camera module and posted them on his website. These photos give you a good guide to exposure modes and what is possible with the camera. See the photos and read more